WSPA this Week, October 31-Nov 4, 2022

Darrell Heisler • October 31, 2022



Please see this message from Abigail Westbrook, Director of Policy and Legal Services, WSSDA

Dear WSPA Member, 

OSPI is sponsoring a project called Supporting Survivors that aims to make school responses to sexual assault more trauma-informed and survivor-centered. OSPI is working with the firm Do Big Good to identify best practices for addressing sexual violence in schools and school districts.

If your school district has implemented or is in the process of developing materials to prepare for, respond to, and/or collect data about sexual violence (particularly sexual assault) in the school community, please consider sharing your materials. You can contact Do Big Good directly through their project manager, Mer Joyce ( or you can send materials to me and I will forward them to Mer.

Do Big Good is preparing a report to OSPI and the Legislature and would like to reference collected materials in writing their report and may also publish them, with credit to the creator, as examples of best practice. Here is a more detailed list of possible materials that you have created or are in the process of creating,. 

  • · Training
  • School/District Specific Material
  • Recommended/memorable speakers/presenters/etc.
  • Popular or specifically requested training modules/topics/etc.
  • In-service professional development on "advanced" or intersectional topics
  • · Interaction with External Community
  • Formal Memorandums of Understanding (such as with local PD or Hospital)
  • Informal Protocols (Such as providing contact info for crisis hotline or referring to a local community resource)
  • Events/Initiatives open to general public
  • Themes from community feedback at school board meetings
  • · Local Best Practices
  • School specific protocol(s) given notice of sexual violence
  • Unique positions/Job Descriptions
  • Educational Material for students or families (handouts, emails, newsletters, etc.)
  • School/District internal events
  • Custom Supportive Measures that have been successful
  • · Websites
  • Reporting pages/forms
  • Analytics of website usage
  • Changes already made/in progress based on stakeholder feedback
  • Website elements you would like to be able to have



...Don't forget to turn your clocks 1 hour backward November 6.  Reminder that the Brown Bag Series for Classified Administrators starts tomorrow, November 1.  If you signed up a link will be sent to you today at 3:30.  There is still time to register for one webinar or all 5.  Select the link below

Member Requests this week:

Member Request: If you're a Skyward district who also allows industry experience credit toward salary placement for ESA & Vocational staff, how are you managing removing that experience credit code (SI/SO) for S275 reporting yet not losing the data reporting detail you need internally for seniority and placement?   Please email responses directly to Kristi Ashmore and to so I can share them out for anyone else interested.

Thank you!




Funny for the week: "My people skills are just fine.....It is my tolerance to the other employees with that needs work"

Darrell Heisler

WSPA Executive Director

WSPA News to Know

WSPA Membership

                                                                               651+ members and counting...

Total Number of WSPA Members


Number of Entities Represented


Individual Memberships


District Memberships (10+ members)


1 Inland Empire ESD 101 48
2 Ipanco ESD 105, 123 &171 95
3 Lower Columbia River ESD 112 60
4 Puget Sound ESD 113 & 121 307
5 Olympic ESD 114 57
6 Northern Puget Sound ESD 189 77

New Title

New Paragraph

Member Requests

Sample Contracts & Salaries

A district is looking for sample contracts & salaries for the following positions:

  • Superintendent
  • Assistant Superintendent
  • Executive Director
  • Chief Operating Officer
  • Business Manager with CPA
  • Human Resources Director

Procurement Specialist

A colleague is wondering if anyone employs a procurement specialist, and if so, would you please share the job description, salary, and whether or not it is a represented position.

IEP Days

Substitute Resources

A district is wondering how other districts handle IEP days.  Does the teacher get a substitute for IEP preparation, meetings, etc., or do they get paid for an additional day for these activities?

A district is wondering if any other districts have a resource for Substitute Guidelines. 

  • Do they get paid for a certain number of hours?
  • Can they cover a class if they are willing rather than getting paid?
  • How long can you use a long-term substitute?

Partner News to Know

Unemployment Insurance: Sign up now for upcoming SOC code webinars

Learn more about Standard Occupational Classification codes on May 20 or June 3

Do you have questions about Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) codes? Sign up for one of our upcoming webinars!

All employers will be required to report SOC codes when they submit their quarterly tax reports starting with their fourth quarter 2022 report. At that time, you could get a penalty for incorrect SOC reporting. Reporting SOC codes is currently optional and is available only to single filers.

Upcoming webinars

If you have questions or want to learn more about using SOC codes, register for one of our free webinars.

  • Friday, May 20, at 11 to 11:45 a.m. - Register
  • Friday, June 3, at 11 to 11:45 a.m. - Register

During these webinars, we’ll talk about:

  • What are SOC codes?
  • When are SOC codes mandatory?
  • How to look up SOC codes.
  • How to add SOC codes with keyed or imported wage data.

Note: We will provide the same information in both webinars. However, questions could vary in each webinar, so you are welcome to sign up for both.

What is SOC?

SOC is a federal coding system that helps government agencies and private businesses compare occupational data.

In 2019, the Washington State Legislature passed a law requiring employers to report SOC codes in their quarterly reports for unemployment insurance.

Other resources on SOC

  • Watch this short video.
  • Try out the SOC code search tool. Under “Occupation Keyword Search” you can search by keyword, SOC code or industry.

2022 Legislative Report

Dan Steele, WASA Assistant Executive Director, Government Relations and WSPA Legislative Liaison has completed a 2022 End of Session Report and you can find it here.


The End of Session Reports includes full details of the 2022 Supplemental Operating Budget and the 2022 Supplemental Capital Budget, along with a comprehensive review of the many education-related bills the Legislature addressed this session.

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