Our Address has Changed: WSPA - PO BOX 14459 - Tumwater, WA 98511 (Please make sure to get this information to your business department and if they need a W-9, let me know)
The Law Conference is Monday, if you have not signed up yet, there is still time! ALSO, the Fall Classified Administrator Brown Bag Series is posted, registration is coming next Tuesday.....
No Member Requests this week
The application for the TPEP iGrant 664 is open until November 25th. To help in your planning and preparation, please visit the Professional Learning and Training Funding section of our TPEP website that provides a pdf of the allocations by district for the upcoming 2022-23 school year and details the funding priorities for these allocations.
For questions, please contact tpep@k12.wa.us.
The required School Employee Survey (SEES) for 2021-22 is open and due December 30th. The data completes a Washington requirement for reporting aggregated evaluation results for every employee group in our state’s public schools. The School Employee Evaluation Survey is available in the Educational Data System (EDS) and is only accessible to district staff granted user access by their district’s data security manager. Early completion is deeply appreciated as is your feedback on how to streamline the administration of the survey. For questions, please contact Taylor Kidder-Morrill.
Any administrator evaluating teachers is required to attend Stage I and II training. Stage I training is required prior to beginning evaluation activities. Dates and registration links can be found on OSPI’s TPEP website under “Framework Trainings” then select the appropriate framework from the menu on the left-hand bar.
Evaluators of principals and assistant principals are required to attend training on the AWSP Leadership Framework. Dates and registration links can be found on OSPI’s TPEP website under Framework Training for the AWSP Leadership Framework.
The WEA is offering training on Developing Student Growth Goals where participants will explore the changes and shifts evident in the new rubrics. They are offering several models of training for various audiences, including an opportunity for teachers and administrators to learn about the revised Student Growth Goals together. For more information, please contact Maren Johnson, WEA Policy and Practices Coordinator at mjohnson@washingtonea.org.
Note: this training is an allowable expense for iGrant 664 funds. For more information about activities allowable under this grant, please visit our Professional Learning and Training Funding website.
Residency Experience: The Center for Strengthening the Teaching Profession (CSTP) has opened registration for residencies with Dr. Adeyemi Stembridge. Please visit CSTP’s website for more information and to apply. Spots are filling up quickly! This is also an allowable grant activity for 664 as the work of Dr. Stembridge is foundational to the shifts in the revised Student Growth Goals.
WERD Book Study: Join CSTP’s free virtual book study with Dr. Stembridge who will start the first of three equity-based studies with discussions about his book Culturally Responsive Education in the Classroom: An Equity Framework for Pedagogy. This opportunity is open to all Washington paraeducators, teachers, principals, assistant principals, administrators and ESAs. Registration is free and equity clock hours will be available upon completion. For more information, please visit the events page of CSTP’s website.
OSPI has partnered with Glean Education in providing free statewide professional development to all WA educators in Structured Literacy within an MTSS Framework. The goal of the training initiative is to build staff capacity and provide teachers with the knowledge and tools to enable them to effectively implement Structured Literacy within an MTSS Framework to ensure literacy proficiency for all Washington students. This professional learning initiative was designed with three elements aimed at building capacity, background knowledge, and a common understanding of research-based approaches among Washington State educators, leaders, parents, & caregivers. The three (3) elements are, (1) asynchronous coursework-18 hours, (2) synchronous Expert Webinar Series-10 hours, (3) training for a state literacy team to support ESD’s, districts, and schools. All links and documents that provide access to the PD and clarity on the initiative are included in the document MTSS Structured Literacy PD Webinar Materials.
Funny for the week: "Sometimes before bedtime, I fall asleep on the sofa. It's my little sleep appetizer, My nappetizer!"
"In Case you forgot to REMIND YOURSELF this morning, your Smile lights up the room, your Mind is INSANELY COOL, you are way more than enough, and you are doing an amazing job AT LIFE", I will see some of you next week!!
Darrell Heisler
WSPA Executive Director
Total Number of WSPA Members
Number of Entities Represented
Individual Memberships
District Memberships (10+ members)
A district is looking for sample contracts & salaries for the following positions:
A colleague is wondering if anyone employs a procurement specialist, and if so, would you please share the job description, salary, and whether or not it is a represented position.
A district is wondering how other districts handle IEP days. Does the teacher get a substitute for IEP preparation, meetings, etc., or do they get paid for an additional day for these activities?
A district is wondering if any other districts have a resource for Substitute Guidelines.
Do you have questions about Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) codes? Sign up for one of our upcoming webinars!
All employers will be required to report SOC codes when they submit their quarterly tax reports starting with their fourth quarter 2022 report. At that time, you could get a penalty for incorrect SOC reporting. Reporting SOC codes is currently optional and is available only to single filers.
If you have questions or want to learn more about using SOC codes, register for one of our free webinars.
During these webinars, we’ll talk about:
Note: We will provide the same information in both webinars. However, questions could vary in each webinar, so you are welcome to sign up for both.
SOC is a federal coding system that helps government agencies and private businesses compare occupational data.
In 2019, the Washington State Legislature passed a law requiring employers to report SOC codes in their quarterly reports for unemployment insurance.
Dan Steele, WASA Assistant Executive Director, Government Relations and WSPA Legislative Liaison has completed a 2022 End of Session Report and you can find it here.
The End of Session Reports includes full details of the 2022 Supplemental Operating Budget and the 2022 Supplemental Capital Budget, along with a comprehensive review of the many education-related bills the Legislature addressed this session.
PO BOX 14459 Tumwater WA 98511