WSPA this Week, August 21-25, 2023

Darrell Heisler • August 22, 2023



Hello everyone! 

Welcome back to a new school year!  WSPA leadership recently attended our annual retreat where we reviewed our finances and professional development, and set our budget for the upcoming year.  It was decided to keep our prices for membership at the same level as the previous year and to offer more professional development webinars free of charge to our members based on feedback we have received from our members.  Please consider renewing your membership to WSPA at the same level you did in 2022-23.  Invoices will be sent out in the middle of September.  More information on the upcoming professional development will be coming soon.


School Law Conference will be held October 9-10, 2023 at the South Center Double Tree

S-275 Workshop via Zoom October 31, 2023

Conflict Mediation November 16-18, 2023 (ZW) and November 30-December 1, 2023 (IP)

WSPA Leadership 2023-24

Doug Christensen, Assistant Superintendent at Kennewick SD; WSPA President:

Jane Stencel, Executive Director at East Valley SD; WSPA President 22-23; WSPA Professional Development Coordinator: 

Jennifer Koskovich, HRIS Manager, Renton School District, WSPA President Elect:

Tina Limmer, Director of Human Resources, Systems and School Support, Puyallup School District, WSPA Treasurer:

Traci Cox, Human Resource Coordinator, West Valley (Yakima) School District, WSPA Secretary:

Darrell Heisler, Executive Director of WSPA:

HELP Certification Renewal 2023

After completing the first full three years of the HELP program, and every three years thereafter, HELP graduates are required to complete the following activities in order to maintain an active School Human Resource Program (SHRP) certification.

  • A minimum of 50 hours of professional development within the three-year period.
  • All course work must be professional. Time will count for actual sessions attended during conferences, but not for an overall conference (e.g., four and one-half hours for sessions vs. an eight-hour day for a conference).
  • Professional development may include, but is not limited to, WSPA conferences, WSPA regional meetings, leadership seminars or trainings. Conferences, webinars, and other professional development focusing on human resources, employee or employment law issues. Reading materials such as books, articles or internet research is acceptable if the student submits a short synopsis of the content and its relationship to human resources, employees, leadership, or legal human resources issues. The synopsis must be attached to the log.


To qualify for certification maintenance, HELP graduates shall complete the attached HELP Certification Maintenance Form and forward it to the HELP coordinator on or before June 30th of the year that is three years following graduation (e.g., June 30, 2006 for the first class of graduates, June 30, 2003).  Documentation such as registration forms, certificates of attendance, etc., should be maintained by the graduate UNTIL the renewed certificate is received. The HELP coordinator may ask for this information if clarification is needed.  If you fall into this category for this year, please submit your documentation ASAP (no later than August 31, 2023).   Submit materials to Jane: or

Hint: Do not submit your Maintenance Report and documentation until the third full year after your graduation and/or renewal as the requirements are for every three years. 

WASA, AWSP, WSSDA, OPP and WSPA partnership project!

Does anyone have written district protocol when determining whether or not to put an employee on Paid Administrative Leave or allow them to continue working?  If you do have written protocol, please share it with me ( as I am working on a project for WASA, AWSP and WSSDA.  Once complete, I will share with our entire membership and incorporate it into our professional development.

WASA and ERNN Expand Partnership


Following the retirement of Executive Director Warren Hopkins, the Employee Relations & Negotiations Network (ERNN) Board approached WASA with the idea of an expanded partnership. The new and increased level of collaboration with WASA will involve Andy Wolf in consultation with the ERNN Executive Board. WASA will sustain the provision of all member services and benefits. WASA will also develop and deliver the professional learning trainings, refresh and manage the ERNN website, and establish a “Bargaining Hotline” for ERNN members to access for perspective and guidance on matters related to bargaining.  To learn more about ERNN or an ERNN membership, visit the website or contact Andy Wolf.

Member Requests this week:

No member requests this week

Funny of the week: I heard the word "ICY" is easy to spell, looking at it now "I see why"...



  • October 9-10, 2023-LAW Conference-South Center Double Tree (IP)
  • October 31, 2023-S-275 Workshop (ZW)
  • November 16-18, 2023 & November 30 - December 1, 2023-Conflict Mediation
  • March 3-6, 2024-Annual Conference-Hilton Hotel-Downtown Vancouver, WA (IP)
  • March 12, 2024-Washington Educator Career Fair-Spokane (IP)
  • March 29, 2024(Tentative)-Washington Educator Career Fair-Tacoma (IP)

Have a great week everyone!

Darrell Heisler

WSPA Executive Director

WSPA News to Know

WSPA Membership

                                                                               702+ members and counting...

Total Number of WSPA Members


Number of Entities Represented


Individual Memberships


District Memberships (10+ members)


1 Inland Empire ESD 101 47
2 Ipanco ESD 105, 123 &171 95
3 Lower Columbia River ESD 112 61
4 Puget Sound ESD 113 & 121 304
5 Olympic ESD 114 56
6 Northern Puget Sound ESD 189 76

New Title

New Paragraph

Member Requests

Sample Contracts & Salaries

A district is looking for sample contracts & salaries for the following positions:

  • Superintendent
  • Assistant Superintendent
  • Executive Director
  • Chief Operating Officer
  • Business Manager with CPA
  • Human Resources Director

Procurement Specialist

A colleague is wondering if anyone employs a procurement specialist, and if so, would you please share the job description, salary, and whether or not it is a represented position.

IEP Days

Substitute Resources

A district is wondering how other districts handle IEP days.  Does the teacher get a substitute for IEP preparation, meetings, etc., or do they get paid for an additional day for these activities?

A district is wondering if any other districts have a resource for Substitute Guidelines. 

  • Do they get paid for a certain number of hours?
  • Can they cover a class if they are willing rather than getting paid?
  • How long can you use a long-term substitute?

Partner News to Know

Unemployment Insurance: Sign up now for upcoming SOC code webinars

Learn more about Standard Occupational Classification codes on May 20 or June 3

Do you have questions about Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) codes? Sign up for one of our upcoming webinars!

All employers will be required to report SOC codes when they submit their quarterly tax reports starting with their fourth quarter 2022 report. At that time, you could get a penalty for incorrect SOC reporting. Reporting SOC codes is currently optional and is available only to single filers.

Upcoming webinars

If you have questions or want to learn more about using SOC codes, register for one of our free webinars.

  • Friday, May 20, at 11 to 11:45 a.m. - Register
  • Friday, June 3, at 11 to 11:45 a.m. - Register

During these webinars, we’ll talk about:

  • What are SOC codes?
  • When are SOC codes mandatory?
  • How to look up SOC codes.
  • How to add SOC codes with keyed or imported wage data.

Note: We will provide the same information in both webinars. However, questions could vary in each webinar, so you are welcome to sign up for both.

What is SOC?

SOC is a federal coding system that helps government agencies and private businesses compare occupational data.

In 2019, the Washington State Legislature passed a law requiring employers to report SOC codes in their quarterly reports for unemployment insurance.

Other resources on SOC

  • Watch this short video.
  • Try out the SOC code search tool. Under “Occupation Keyword Search” you can search by keyword, SOC code or industry.

2022 Legislative Report

Dan Steele, WASA Assistant Executive Director, Government Relations and WSPA Legislative Liaison has completed a 2022 End of Session Report and you can find it here.


The End of Session Reports includes full details of the 2022 Supplemental Operating Budget and the 2022 Supplemental Capital Budget, along with a comprehensive review of the many education-related bills the Legislature addressed this session.

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