Good morning everyone!
The 2023 LAW CONFERENCE was held last week and we had 167 registrants which was down 7 from the previous year. Based on the feedback the conference was well received. Registration is still open for the S-275 webinar to be held on October 31 and the link is included below. Have you ever thought of becoming certified in conflict mediation? How about just developing additional skills as you mediate between employees? We just added a new workshop entitled "Accommodations for Nursing Moms", the link to sign up is below. Here is your chance to sign up to the Conflict Mediation course taught by the folks at Dispute Resolution as there are still several spots available. Part of the course is delivered via zoom and the rest is in-person in Olympia. The link for that course is below as well. Thanks to all who took time out of your busy schedules to provide ideas for our Annual Conference scheduled for March 3-6, 2024 in Vancouver, WA, registration links will be available in early December.
If you have not renewed your WSPA membership for 2023-24 now is the time to do so. Please reach out to Kaley Vonvolkli ( to make that happen. Here is a reminder that we are contracting with WASA again to manage our membership roster and payment.
Here is a reminder that Districts are NOT allowed to ask whether or not an applicant for a school district position has ever been placed on Administrative leave. Here is the RCW passed by the legislature in 2019 and signed into law that governs that question. RCW 28A.400.302: Application question on administrative leave. (
REMINDER of WSPA's Address:
PO BOX 14459
Train the Trainer: What Every Educator Needs to Know from OPP via Zoom-October 24, 2023 (ZW)
This webinar is focused on training educators to train others within their district/ESD/entity. Registration is OPEN on the link below.
S-275 Workshop via Zoom-October 31, 2023 (ZW)
We are again partnering with WASBO to provide this important training and special emphasis will be on "Learn how to place certificated employees within the S-275 report since the Washington State Legislature did away with the Salary Allocation Model in 2018. Special emphasis will also be given to CTE and ESA certificated employees."
Accommodations for Nursing Moms Workshop via Zoom-November 7, 2023 (ZW)
What school district employers are required to do based on the Federal Law including recent amendments and their implementation dates and state law. Collective bargaining tips will also be covered. This workshop will be given by Lorraine Wilson of Porter Foster Rorick Law Firm.
Conflict Mediation November 16-18, 2023 (ZW) and November 30-December 1, 2023 (IP)
This is the rescheduled workshop from last spring and will be a combination of Zoom Webinar and In-Person training. Certification will be provided for those who complete the course. The registration link will be coming soon.
WSPA Leadership 2023-24
Doug Christensen, Assistant Superintendent at Kennewick SD; WSPA President:
Jennifer Koskovich, HRIS Manager, Renton School District, WSPA President Elect:
Jane Stencel, Director of HR at East Valley SD Spokane; WSPA President 22-23; WSPA Professional Development Coordinator:
Tina Limmer, Director of Human Resources, Systems and School Support, Puyallup School District, WSPA Treasurer:
Traci Cox, Human Resource Coordinator, West Valley (Yakima) School District, WSPA Secretary:
Darrell Heisler, Executive Director of WSPA:
Member Requests this week: (None)
Funny of the week: A father brought his little girl to ”bring your child to work day. They were talking with other parents and having a great time. His daughter burst out crying and her dad asked her what was wrong. She said, “where are all the clowns you said you worked with?”
Have a great week everyone!
Darrell Heisler
WSPA Executive Director
Total Number of WSPA Members
Number of Entities Represented
Individual Memberships
District Memberships (10+ members)
A district is looking for sample contracts & salaries for the following positions:
A colleague is wondering if anyone employs a procurement specialist, and if so, would you please share the job description, salary, and whether or not it is a represented position.
A district is wondering how other districts handle IEP days. Does the teacher get a substitute for IEP preparation, meetings, etc., or do they get paid for an additional day for these activities?
A district is wondering if any other districts have a resource for Substitute Guidelines.
Do you have questions about Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) codes? Sign up for one of our upcoming webinars!
All employers will be required to report SOC codes when they submit their quarterly tax reports starting with their fourth quarter 2022 report. At that time, you could get a penalty for incorrect SOC reporting. Reporting SOC codes is currently optional and is available only to single filers.
If you have questions or want to learn more about using SOC codes, register for one of our free webinars.
During these webinars, we’ll talk about:
Note: We will provide the same information in both webinars. However, questions could vary in each webinar, so you are welcome to sign up for both.
SOC is a federal coding system that helps government agencies and private businesses compare occupational data.
In 2019, the Washington State Legislature passed a law requiring employers to report SOC codes in their quarterly reports for unemployment insurance.
Dan Steele, WASA Assistant Executive Director, Government Relations and WSPA Legislative Liaison has completed a 2022 End of Session Report and you can find it here.
The End of Session Reports includes full details of the 2022 Supplemental Operating Budget and the 2022 Supplemental Capital Budget, along with a comprehensive review of the many education-related bills the Legislature addressed this session.
PO BOX 14459 Tumwater WA 98511